two men installing solar panels

The disadvantages are as follows:

How it works Use in the home
  1. high cost.
    This is a common reason not to buy solar panels, because at the initial stage they require a large investment and people can not afford it. But in many developing countries, the government helps its citizens buy and install solar power plants by giving them loans and helping them process all the necessary documents. Russia is very far behind in this area, and this is a problem for a large percentage of the population.
  2. Pollution of the environment
    As mentioned earlier, solar energy is the most environmentally friendly form of energy. But its production requires the production of solar panels, the production of which emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and chemical compounds that are dangerous to the environment and humans.
  3. low power per square meter
    One of the most important parameters of electricity is the average power density per square meter (m2), which is measured in W/m2 and the amount of energy that can be obtained from a unit area. For solar energy this figure is on average 170 W/m2, this value is greater than all the renewable energy sources used, but in comparison with traditional energy sources (oil, coal, gas, nuclear power) this figure is much lower. Which leads to an increase in the area of solar panels to produce 1 kW of energy.
  4. Interrupted cycle
    The sun does not shine at night, and on cloudy days the amount of energy produced is significantly reduced, which in many cases makes solar energy not the main source of electricity. But even given these factors, solar power remains much more stable than, for example, also common wind power.
  5. Problems with energy storage
    Batteries are needed in this industry to store energy and periodically smooth out the uneven flow of energy from solar panels. Their main disadvantage is the price, since large capacity batteries are quite expensive, and not everyone can afford the price. Partial solution to this problem is that the peak load is during daylight hours, where almost all the necessary energy is produced by solar panels.
  6. Elements used
    A solar panel requires materials that are rare-earth, which increases their cost and makes them very difficult to manufacture and dispose of. This results in a significant increase in the price of solar panels.

Energy Efficient Home
The energy efficient home concept has been popular in European countries such as Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, Spain, China, France, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Australia for many years. Although these countries receive much more sun than most of Russia, but this can be compensated by increasing the number of solar panels and batteries.

An example of an energy-efficient house or zero-consumption home can be seen in the figure below, where all AC and DC appliances will be powered by solar panels.

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